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GENETIC TESTING, what is it?
Release time:2019-10-15      clicks:1026

Genes are the fundamental units of heredity, carrying genetic information in DNA or RNA sequences. Through replication, genes pass this genetic information to the next generation and guide the synthesis of proteins, thereby expressing the inherited traits that control biological characteristics. Genetic testing involves analyzing DNA from blood, other bodily fluids, or cells. This technique amplifies genetic information from the individual being tested and uses specific devices to analyze DNA molecules, determining gene types, detecting defects, and assessing their functional expression. Genetic testing enables individuals to understand their genetic information, identify disease causes, or predict the risk of developing certain conditions.

Genetic testing serves both diagnostic and predictive purposes. In diagnostics, it identifies gene mutations responsible for inherited diseases. Currently, genetic testing is widely used in screening newborns for genetic disorders, diagnosing inherited diseases, and assisting in the diagnosis of certain common illnesses.

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