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Principles of Molecular diagnostics
Release time:2019-10-01      clicks:951

Molecular diagnostics employs several key technologies, including nucleic acid hybridization, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and biochip technology.


1. Nucleic Acid Hybridization

This technique involves the complementary binding of nucleic acid sequences, either in solution or on a solid surface, based on the principles of base pairing. It forms a heteroduplex structure between the target nucleic acid sequence and a probe sequence. Nucleic acid hybridization is used for qualitative or quantitative detection of specific DNA or RNA sequences.


2. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

PCR amplifies a specific segment of DNA through a series of temperature-dependent enzymatic reactions. The process includes the denaturation of double-stranded DNA into single strands, annealing of primers to the target DNA at a lower temperature and extension of the primers by DNA polymerase at an optimal temperature. PCR is pivotal for generating large quantities of a target DNA sequence from minute starting materials.


3. Biochip Technology

Biochip technology integrates molecular biology with microelectronics for nucleic acid analysis and detection. Initially focused on DNA sequencing, gene expression profiling, and mutation analysis, biochips are also known as DNA or gene chips. This technology has expanded beyond nucleic acids to include applications in immunological reactions, receptor binding studies, and more. Thus, the term "biochip technology" better reflects its diverse applications in protein chips, immune chips, cell chips, tissue chips, and beyond, aligning with its evolving capabilities in molecular diagnostics.

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