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Automatic Control System, what does that mean?
Release time:2019-05-22      clicks:1013

Concept of Automated Control Systems

 An automated control system refers to a system capable of performing control tasks automatically, consisting of a controller and a controlled object.

 Definition of Automated Control Systems

 Automatic control refers to the use of external devices or apparatus to make a machine, equipment, or production process operate according to predetermined rules without direct human intervention.


Automatic control involves machinery, equipment, and instruments that can automatically regulate, detect, and process according to specified programs or instructions. Its objectives include increasing production, improving quality, reducing costs and labor intensity, and ensuring production safety.


 Automatic control, as opposed to manual control, allows a controlled object or process to operate automatically according to predetermined rules without human involvement. Research in automatic control technology helps liberate humans from complex, dangerous, and tedious work environments and significantly enhances control efficiency.


Automatic control is a branch of engineering science that deals with the automatic influence on dynamic systems using feedback principles to make output values closely match desired values. From a methodological perspective, it is based on mathematical system theory. What we call automatic control today is a branch of cybernetics that emerged in the mid-20th century.

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