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THREE REASONS for Genetic Testing
Release time:2019-07-16      clicks:937

1. Disease Diagnosis

Genetic testing has revolutionized the diagnosis of infectious diseases. For instance, diagnosing tuberculosis used to rely on the culture of sputum, feces, or blood, a process that took over two weeks. With genetic diagnostic methods, sensitivity is significantly increased, and results can be obtained in a much shorter time.

2. Assessing Familial Disease Risk

Genetic testing can identify pathogenic genes associated with familial diseases, helping predict disease risk. Researches show that 10%-15% of cancers are hereditary. Diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular conditions also have genetic components. Individuals with a family history of cancer or polygenic disorders (e.g., Alzheimer's, hypertension, diabetes) can pinpoint specific genetic mutations. This enables them to adjust their lifestyle proactively to prevent or delay the onset of these diseases.

3. Optimizing Medication Use and Reducing Adverse Drug Reactions

Genetic variations affect how individuals respond to medications. Some patients may experience allergic reactions or other adverse effects even at standard doses. Genetic testing can inform personalized treatment plans, guiding the selection and dosage of medications to avoid toxicity and side effects. This leads to more effective and safer drug use.

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